And there is sometimes a genuine lack of compassion, especially now in one of the darkest economic times since before WWI when many of our relatives left Greece for a better life and after WWII/Civil War when 600,000 Greek lost their lives. Some have called the current situation even worse for the average Greek family. And while some Greek-American entities have risen gallantly to the occasion, others still work on a myriad of charitable projects that do NOT include help for their home country. What's up with that?
The European austerity demands/agreements have created a grave humanitarian crisis. 27% unemployment is just the tip of the iceberg. Pensions have been slashed and many have long lost their health benefits, giving rise to serious health problems. Too many Greek schoolchildren go to school hungry and suffer from malnutrition. Hostility to people fleeing warn-torn areas like Syria/Iraq and also desperately needing social services created added social unrest precipitated by the fascist-like Golden Dawn party. There is a serious uptick in suicides. This isn't an embarrassment; it's a disaster!
Now there is a new, democratically-elected government that aims to shake things up, not unlike other political movements in Europe dealing with crippling austerity crises. The Syriza Party slogan was "Hope is coming!" So is it any wonder that Greeks voted for a party that promised free electricity for 300,000 households below the poverty line, food stamps, free health care, special bus passes, and wage increases? As President Obama said in his State of the Union message last week, "If you think you can live on less than $15,000 a year, try it!" The Greek minimum monthly wage in December was 683.80 Euros or $9961 annually (then), if you had a job. Fewer than an outright majority of Greeks voted to back Syriza* -- but surely all Greeks feel the pain and see the urgent need for change.
This is not to say that Greece should renege on their agreements with the European Union and leave the Eurozone, or that Greeks (especially those with money) shouldn't pay their taxes, or that reforms that have begun to make sure this doesn't happen again should be abandoned. But Alexis Tsipras is no dummy, and he will quickly learn -- like presidents Bush and Obama did -- that governing in the 21st Century is far more difficult than running a political campaign.
I really hope that Greece's new government can renegotiate the now clearly destructive austerity package and deliver more than just hope. Meanwhile, Greek-Americans and others all along the political spectrum must give Greece and Greeks a real chance -- meaning moral and economic support, not condemnation for past political mistakes -- as they embark on a very difficult path in troubled Eurozone waters. The bottom line is the restoration of human and national dignity, but first to put some feta cheese and baklava back the dinner tables. Surely you can relate to that.
* European parliamentary elections are proportional in nature often calling for coalition governments, not winner-take-all like the U.S. And Syriza, characterized as "far left," is itself a somewhat complicated coalition of 13 radical groups no longer including the now adversarial, hard-core KKE Communist Party.
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